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5 Ways How to Reclaim Your Happy

With the everyday hustle and bustle, it's easy to get caught in a rut and slowly losing the sparkle in your eye. Everyone hits a wall at one point or another and happiness slowly fleets.

I have two things to say: it's completely normal and no one is judging you.

Recently, I've found myself in such a position and didn't know what else to do or who to turn to. Luckily for y'all, I've got a few tips and tricks that have helped me and will help you if you ever find yourself with the back against the wall. Consider me your new best friend.

Here are 5 ways that you can reclaim your happy!

~ Examine your own toxic traits, how they affect the people around you, and more importantly, yourself.

​They always say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. I hate to be blunt but maybe that problem is you! Maybe you write your quick temper/attitude off as just another part of your personality but do you find yourself biting your tongue because you're not sure how your friends will take your opinion? Go ahead and put that on a sticky note to remind yourself to check that at the door.

~ Spend time by yourself.

Now I know what you're thinking. No one likes a loner but sometimes you may find that you're happier when you are by yourself. At least once a month, you should take the time out to do something for yourself. Whether you take yourself on a date to see a movie that no one else is interested in going to see or you just put your phone on do not disturb while you curl up with a good book. Do it by yourself and enjoy your peace.

~ Write things out.

I feel like this should be more common than not but who has time to sit down and write their thoughts out in a journal? The key is not to overthink it. If your mind is clouded by anything, take a minute and write your thoughts out in your Notes app if you are out and about. Try going shopping for a cute notebook and then you'll have the incentive to use it. Throw it in your backpack when you're on your way to class or in your purse as you make the long commute to work. Keeping everything bottled up is not healthy and it definitely takes up room in your heart and mind that should be reserved for your happiness.

~ Be your own cheerleader and celebrate the small things.

If no one else says that they are proud of you, know that this is OK! You are allowed to give yourself pats on the back for doing things that make you feel good. If you are a creative person like myself, give yourself a round of applause when you post a new blog post or writing a new chapter of that book you've been working on for years; take a shot or two once you actually finish it too! If you're lucky enough to have a cheering section around you, cherish them but don't use them as a crutch. Once you learn to stand by yourself, you won't be sent into a tailspin if the time ever comes.

~ Learn to accept that you cannot please everyone.

It's going to be a hard pill to swallow for anyone who has a big heart but the sooner you do so the better. You putting all of your energy into making other people happy sucks the happiness out of you. No one is saying that you have to walk around being a prude or a complete bitch to everyone but DO NOT lie down for just anyone. In the words of Christina Yang,

What are some of your self care tips and tricks? Comment them below!

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