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So Long Undergrad & Good Riddance!

I’ve always heard that your college years are supposed to be the best four years of your life.

To be blunt, that has got to be the hottest sack of garbage if I have ever heard one.

It's been 2 months since I walked across the stage.

I took the time to look back on my overall college experience and I can say that my four years in undergrad have been ones that I would have no problem with forgetting.

I stepped foot onto campus my freshman year with a plan. I would be completely reinvent myself and not be the girl that I was in high school. I would focus on my studies, not let boys cloud my judgement or take my eyes off of the prize, and my roommate and I would be super close so that I have someone to commiserate with when times got rough.

I didn’t do or get any of that.

I walked face first into a guy that would waste my time for the better half of freshman year and found myself getting wrapped up in drama that I thought that I had left behind in high school. All of my roommates came with nothing but problems and I didn’t have the time nor energy to be shouldering that along with problems of my own.

Well…maybe not all of them. Brianna and Tyrane were both amazing roommates. (Hey y’all!)

As the years went by, the next roommate was more troublesome than the last and I knew for certain that I wouldn’t get what I wanted out of my roommate experiences.

I suppose I was okay with it, at least on the outside.

My college experience has been so far from how it was portrayed on television and in the movies. I would say that I want my money back but I probably owe my life and that of my first born child’s to the government in exchange for the loans that funded my four years at Mercy College.

The older I got the more I felt like I was a prisoner in my own dorm room. Yes, there were all-nighters cramming for finals and plenty of ramen noodle runs to the store but there were also parties that I had to miss out on because I had to work.

I’ll catch the next party, I would always tell myself, but then the next party turned into the next one and so on and so forth. Until, I reached the second to last week of the my last semester of undergrad.

Continue reading my send-off to my undergraduate college years here:

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