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Adios 2017, Hello 2018!

As I'm sure that most would agree, 2017 has not been that year for anyone.

We made the bold proclamation that 2017 was going to be our year but in my case, 2017 has been nothing but a headache that refuses to go away.

While 2017 wasn't all bad for me personally, I still think a reflection is necessary as we welcome 2018.

This past year has been nothing but a continuous lesson for me as the months continued to pass by. Up until May of 2017, I found myself in a place that I didn't want to be. I can say that looking back on it, I was plagued with a short bout of depression and I knew that I needed to switch my surroundings in order to see a significant change in my life.

Enter the Cultural Wildchild.

I've always had a passion for writing but hadn't done anything with it outside of writing works of fiction. When I received feedback from the only internship interview that I went on, I realized that something that all of the candidates that were chosen had in common: blogging/radio experience.

The Cultural Wildchild was an idea that quickly budded into the site that you're reading today. It was a reflection of myself as a person with writing about the things that I consistently absorb myself with.

Coming home from my spring semester, I had big plans for myself (and the website) but of course I got wrapped up in the rut of working nonstop and all of my plans slowly disappeared.

My senior year so far has been massively stressful and yet it is already at the halfway mark. As 2018 comes, I will accept it with open arms and positive vibes.

I have made a vow to myself to do a few things:

1) Actually stick to my goals/to-do lists

2) Workout more

3) Meditate/Find my true inner peace

4) Organize (closet, my life, etc.)

5) Make The Cultural Wildchild the best that it can be

6) Make bolder moves

7) Come out of my comfort zone

Yes, my list comes with more than just "a few" but I am more than ready and willing to check everything off of my list this year.

As the saying goes, " Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one."

Here's to page 1.

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