A Trump America Is A Troublesome America
With the summer months approaching, it's hard to believe that we are only 5-6 months into a four-year presidency. Trump has made major waves throughout the world and caused intense blowback from his actions. Not only has he instated a travel ban on Middle Eastern countries but also has made rash decisions that will negatively affect the citizens of a country that he has sworn to act on behalf of.
One of the things that was at the top of 45's list (And yes, I refuse to acknowledge him as the President.) was to repeal the Affordable Care Act, affectionately named ObamaCare. To give a brief background on the ACA, it was a bill that was signed into law back in March 2010 with the intentions of reforming the face of healthcare for the better. ObamaCare has not only secured health insurance for U.S. citizens but has also allowed young adults stay on their parents' insurance plans until the age of 26, prevents gender discrimination as well as improved Medicare for senior citizens. What's not to love about that plan, right? But of course, Donald Trump is not conditioned like a normal human being. As of late, the repeal of the Affordable Care Act will not only negatively target people with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, asthma, migraines, rape victims (Yes, even rape) resulting in higher premiums but also cuts funding for both Medicare as well as people who receive insurance through their employers finding themselves on the chopping block.
Another blemish that has come about in the face of the United States has to do with his plans for the country's budget. He has been obsessed with building this idiotic wall to the point where he has decided to take funds from important budgets such as Planned Parenthood and funding for college. I,for one, would be effected tremendously if college funding such as the Pell Grant were to be taken away. I'm going into my senior year of undergrad and the Pell Grant has been a huge factor in my financial aid package for the last three years. Excuse my french but I'll be damned if a tangerine colored, toupee wearing idiot that the electoral college voted into office mess up my chances in bettering my future!
Of course, these realities are only the start for Trump's entire administration which has proven to be EXTREMELY exhausting. This man has been in the news more than any other world leader in his first 100 days than this man! With racial tensions running high and deadly, the future of America is not only looking to bleak but also troublesome.